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Cosmetic Dentistry in Kensington

At Predent Dental we offer a full range of cosmetic dentistry procedures at our clinic in Kensington, London. Cosmetic dentistry treatments are now more popular than ever before, as an increasing number of people recognise having beautiful teeth is an easy and effective way to improve their appearance and self confidence.

Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is a great way to get your teeth looking much healthier and brighter.

Tooth whitening is the safest and most economical way to enhance your smile.

Many patients report that it makes them feel younger, if their teeth have darkened with age, or gives that Hollywood polished look if their teeth are already quite white.

Teeth can become discoloured for a number of reasons, such as lifestyle habits, smoking, drinking coffee or red wine or naturally some people’s teeth are darker than others.  The good news is that at Predent we can whiten everyone’s teeth.

Is Tooth Whitening Safe?

Under the supervision of our dentist and other clinical staff, teeth whitening is completely safe to carry out. It is readily used by millions of people worldwide.

How Long Does it Take to get Teeth White?

Our staff would be more than happy to give you some further indication during a consultation so you know exactly how long it will take. Please call the practice for more information.

Are There any Side Effects of Teeth Whitening?

Side effects are very unlikely, although a small number of people could experience increased sensitivity to heat or cold during the whitening process. However this effect is only temporary and can usually be treated with paracetamol or another sort of pain relief product. Usually, this sensitivity will disappear within 48 hours of the whitening process being carried out.

How Long Does Whitening Last For?

The results of whitening can be permanent although the duration of your whitening procedure will depend largely upon you and your oral hygiene. If you practice good oral hygiene and brush on a regular basis, especially after consuming staining foods or beverages, the results could last for years.

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Porcelain veneers are the perfect solution if you’re not happy with your current smile. This treatment is ideal if you have chipped or discoloured teeth and are unhappy with how it makes you look, then porcelain veneers will transform your smile.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are porcelain or composite facings cemented to the front surface of your teeth.

They even up the shape, symmetry and colour of your teeth and often have a dramatic effect on your face and smile and patients regularly tell us it makes them look and feel years younger. They’re undoubtedly the treatment of choice when disguising discoloured, chipped and cracked teeth. This choice to have the treatment of veneers in Kensington is a popular one with our patients as it an easy way to achieve the perfect smile.

If you’re looking for specialist cosmetic dental treatments and veneers in Kensington then come to Predent Clinic, we believe that everyone should feel happy with their appearance. Patient care is extremely important to us. When it comes to the application of veneers in Kensington, we are passionate about providing you with the perfect teeth that you have always dreamed about!

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As part of our restorative dentistry at Predent Clinic we are expert dentists specialise in providing patients with dental crowns in Kensington, London. Our knowledgeable team of dentists are committed to using the most up-to-date techniques to provide patients with the perfect smile!

What Are Crowns?

Crowns are an ideal restoration for teeth, which have been broken, or have been weakened by decay or by placing a very large filling. You can be certain that a dental crown from Predent Clinic will strengthen the tooth as well as provide it with a natural shape, therefore restoring your smile and boosting your confidence. This procedure can be completed on teeth that have been severely weakened by decay and teeth with large fillings. Root treated teeth may require a crown to protect the remaining tooth.

How Long Will A Crown Last?

The life of a crown depends on how much pressure is applied on the bite and how well it is looked after. The crown cannot decay, but decay can start where the edge of crown joins the tooth. It is very important to keep the gums and crown clean. Eight to ten years would be an average life expectancy for a crown. Precious metal crowns – Gold and palladium crowns are very strong and hard wearing and are usually used at the back of the mouth. They are not visible and most suitable for people who grind and clench their teeth.

Dental Implants

If you’re missing one tooth only, a single tooth implant will give you a natural-looking, fully functional replacement. Many patients tell us gaps in their teeth can affect how they eat and speak which leads to an unwillingness to smile naturally and feel confident in themselves. An implant gives you the perfect replacement, without affecting any of your healthy teeth.

Teeth Straightening

Correcting the position of crowded and crooked teeth not only improves your appearance, but also your general dental health and confidence. At Predent Dental we offer a range of treatments that can help you achieve a great smile

Predent adult teeth straightening