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Teeth Straightening in Kensington

Our specialists at Predent Dental provide all kinds of orthodontic treatment from regular metal braces to clear aligners.

We treat both Adults and children and can correct all kinds of problems such as crowded teeth, teeth with gaps between them, prominent front teeth, missing teeth. The choice of appliance is up to you (providing it is appropriate for your needs). All these things can be discussed at your free consultation.

Orthodontics is an ever-evolving field in terms of the spectrum of patients undertaking treatment, the range of appliances available and the outstanding results that can be achieved.

Benefits of orthodontic treatment can include:

  • Relief of crowding

  • Straightening teeth

  • Improving the bite

  • Enhancing smile aesthetics

At Predent Clinic we aim to tailor the treatment to each individual patient’s concerns in order to maximise outcome and satisfaction.

Clear Aligners

Removable, virtually invisible braces for fast-acting tooth straitening.

Aligners are thin clear flexible plastic ‘mouthguards’ which fit closely over the teeth. A series of aligners is used to move the teeth incrementally according to a treatment plan developed by the orthodontist. 

Aligner appliances are ideally suited to adult patients whose life-style or work commitments make it difficult for them to wear more visible conventional fixed appliances. As with any other form of orthodontics, a proper orthodontic assessment, diagnosis and treatment plan is essential to successful aligner treatment. An accurate impression of the mouth is used to create the customised aligners. Each appliance moves the teeth a small distance towards the intended position before moving on to the next in the series until the final result is achieved. Aligners need to be worn full-time, day and night except for meal times.

At Predent in Kensington we offer a choice of clear aligners:

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Invisalign® is a popular choice for orthodontic treatments. Clinically proven to be effective in the hands of an experienced Invisalign Provider, it can be used to treat mild to complex teeth straightening issues in a short space of time.

Made from clear plastic, an Invisalign aligner is completely invisible and ideal for those who might feel self-conscious during orthodontic treatment. 

iTero Scanner

We use the latest in advanced dental technology to ensure you receive the best possible outcome when undergoing orthodontic treatment.

We use an iTero Scanner, a sophisticated scanner designed for a more precise clinical evaluation and boasts a higher orthodontic success rate and fewer issues than traditional impressions.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are fitted to the front of your teeth and consist of subtle, clear or tooth coloured brackets with metal wires running through them.

Ceramic braces are an attractive alternative to metal braces as they are much less noticeable. The brackets are a similar size and shape to metal brackets but are clear or tooth coloured and so blend in more.

Some people have ceramic braces if they are not suitable for clear aligners treatment (due to having more extreme irregularities of the teeth) but still want to look good during treatment.

What Orthodontic Problems Can Be Treated With Ceramic Braces?

Ceramic braces can treat exactly the same type of orthodontic problems as traditional fixed braces. They are very good for correcting teeth that are overcrowded or which have unwanted spaces in between them, or teeth that are rotated or protrusive. Ceramic braces can also be used to correct overbites where the upper front teeth are biting too far forward of the lower front teeth, underbites where the lower front teeth protrude too far forward of the upper front teeth, and open bites where the front teeth fail to occlude or bite together, even when the back teeth are touching. Ceramic braces can also be used to correct crossbites, where some of the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth.

What Orthodontic Problems Can Be Treated With Ceramic Braces?

Ceramic braces can treat exactly the same type of orthodontic problems as traditional fixed braces. They are very good for correcting teeth that are overcrowded or which have unwanted spaces in between them, or teeth that are rotated or protrusive. Ceramic braces can also be used to correct overbites (where the upper front teeth are biting too far forward of the lower front teeth), underbites (where the lower front teeth protrude too far forward of the upper front teeth) and open bites (where the front teeth fail to occlude or bite together, even when the back teeth are touching). Ceramic braces can also be used to correct cross-bites, where some of the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth.

Whatever your reason for choosing ceramic braces, you can be sure of getting great results.

Will It Hurt?

It's perfectly normal to feel some discomfort when your braces have been fitted. This is because your teeth and tooth roots will begin to move, so some tenderness is perfectly normal. If the pressure is too much you may need to return to your orthodontist for the brace to be adjusted, but otherwise it should be possible to deal with any discomfort using over-the-counter painkillers.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

The length of treatment is something that can only be determined by your orthodontist as it will depend on the severity of your bite problems. Most people will complete treatment within one or two years, but treatment can take as long as three years.

What About Eating, Drinking and Cleaning my Teeth?

You will need to spend extra time cleaning your teeth during treatment, and will need to clean your teeth after each meal. It is best to use special orthodontic brushes to clean around the brackets and wires, and some people find it easier to use a water flosser. You will be given full instructions on how to clean your teeth by your orthodontist.

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Fixed Braces

Advancements in technology make metal braces more comfortable and much smaller than they used to be. The impact on your appearance is therefore not as drastic. Metal braces are the traditional "train track" braces that most people think of when they read about orthodontic treatment. They consist of small metal brackets which are fitted to the front of your teeth with a wire running between them kept in place by small elastic bands. Fixed metal braces are often recommended by orthodontics for straightening teeth because they produce very precise tooth movements and provide more control over teeth than a removable brace does. 

They have a long, proven record of achieving accurate results for patients of all ages. A fixed brace consists of small brackets bonded to the front of each of your teeth.  Each of these brackets acts as a handle on the tooth, which can be used to individually and precisely control its positioning.  A thin wire connects each of the teeth bonded brackets and applies tension to the brackets to gently move and straighten your teeth over time. It will take 1-2 hours for your fixed brace to be fitted.  It is a painless process though some discomfort may be felt.  For the first few days after the fitting your teeth and jaw may feel uncomfortable whilst your mouth adjusts to the brace, but this will quickly pass.